• Accurate Replicas

    I use high quality models licensed from many modelers around the world. Most of them use high quality reference photos to base their designs on, often times creating updated versions to reflect more accuracy when better references become available. I look for the best looking models to turn into physical finished props.

  • High Quality Props

    Most props you see here are 3D printed and modeled for high accuracy. Everything from high quality 3D models to high quality paints, to quote John Hammond "spared no expense."

    Everything here is meticulously finished to look as good as the product photo you look at. The majority of items are made to order and not cheaply made mass produced projects.

  • Custom Requests

    Interested in seeing an existing prop in a totally different theme? Maybe you're looking for something you haven't found yet. Feel free to message and inquire about custom projects, I will let you know if it's possible and work with a budget. If it can be modeled it can be made.